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1. Park HJ, Kim TH, Kim SW, Noh SH, Cho KJ, Choi C, Kwon EY, Choi YJ, Gee HY*, Choi JH*. Functional characterization of ABCB4 mutations found in progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 3. Sci Rep. 2016;6:26872. (*co-corresponding)

2. Oh CM, Chun S, Lee JE, Lee JS, Park S, Gee HY*, Kim SW*. A novel missense mutation in NR0B1 causes delayed-onset primary adrenal insufficiency in adults. Clin Genet. 2017;92(3):344-346. (*co-corresponding)

3. Jung J, Lee JS, Cho KJ, Yu S, Yoon JH, Gee HY*, Choi JY*. Genetic Predisposition to Sporadic Congenital Hearing Loss in a Pediatric Population. Sci Rep. 2017;7:45973. (*co-corresponding)

4. Cho KJ, Noh SH, Han SM, Choi WI, Kim HY, Yu S, Lee JS, Rim JH, Lee MG, Hildebrandt F*, Gee HY*. ZMYND10 stabilizes intermediate chain proteins in the cytoplasmic pre-assembly of dynein arms. PLoS Genet. 2018;14(3):e1007316. (*co-corresponding)

5. Cheon EJ, Cha DH, Cho SK, Noh HM, Park S, Kang SM, Gee HY*, Lee SH*. Novel association between CDKAL1 and cholesterol efflux capacity: Replication after GWAS-based discovery. Atherosclerosis. 2018;273:21-27. (*co-corresponding)

6. Yu S, Choi HJ, Lee JS, Lee HJ, Rim JH, Choi JY, Gee HY*, Jung J*. A novel early truncation mutation in OTOG causes prelingual mild hearing loss without vestibular dysfunction. Eur J Med Genet. 2018. pii: S1769-7212(17)30761-9. (*co-corresponding)

7. Jung J, Choi HB, Koh YI, Rim JH, Choi HJ, Kim SH, Lee JH, An J, Kim A, Lee JS, Joo SY, Yu S, Choi JY*, Kang TM*, Gee HY*. Whole-exome sequencing identifies two novel mutations in KCNQ4 in individuals with nonsyndromic hearing loss. Sci Rep. 2018;9;8(1):16659. (*co-corresponding)

8. Shin DH, Jung J, Koh YI, Rim JH, Lee JS, Choi HJ, Joo SY, Yu S, Cha DH, Lee SY, Lee JH, Lee MG, Choi JY*, Gee HY*. A recurrent mutation in KCNQ4 in Korean families with nonsyndromic hearing loss and rescue of the channel activity by KCNQ activators. Hum Mutat. 2018. doi: 10.1002/humu.23698. (*co-corresponding)

9. Choi YJ, Halbritter J, Braun DA, Schueler M, Schapiro D, Rim JH, Nandadasa S, Choi WI, Widmeier E, Shril S, Korber F, Sethi SK, Lifton RP, Beck BB, Apte SS, Gee HY*, Hildebrandt F*. Mutations of ADAMTS9 Cause Nephronophthisis-Related Ciliopathy. Am J Hum Genet. 2019;104(1):45-54. (*co-corresponding)

Full Publication Lists http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=gee+hy+AND+Heon+Yung+Gee

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